
They Left When They Did Because They Could. 

They Left When They Did Because They Could.

Isobel Salt


the Wind was lifted and drawn swiftly out. 

 Space roared, 

‘what on Earth is going on here?’ 


(which, in its defence, was a good question.) 

but Wind was gone, and the void was vast. 


reeds crushed by air – nothing nurtures in still 

and with Moon gone Water lost its wave. 

BLOOD was forgotten – no need to kill, 

come see mankind sent back to the cave. 


Time quick tailed Wind, leaving man to suffer, 

now void drinks silences’ lucent flood. 

man dredges on, abiding stale hunger 

by drowning pity’s glut in mud.


Space, back then, was the last to speak,  

Time didn’t bother to leave anything  
