By Matty Timmis It seems a long way away now, but for a little while the rhythm was clave. Life then was verdant, thronged with
By Matty Timmis It seems a long way away now, but for a little while the rhythm was clave. Life then was verdant, thronged with
By Mopsy Peel Cinema Paradiso spills across the screen like the golden dust of a distant, sun-soaked summer in Italy. I find myself almost anticipating
By Emilia Brookfield-Pertusini A honey prickled voice rolls through the chambers of my Koss portaPros during an anticipatory Spring walk in Durham. The Spotify algorithm
Wayzgoose Magazine is an online magazine comprising art, photography, creative writing and articles.
Wayzgoose Magazine aims first and foremost to bring together student creatives. We want to create a hub for university-based artists and writers to showcase their work, connect and collaborate. We hope that this magazine will become a platform for celebrating all the creativity in and around the North-East, as well as publishing thought-provoking articles, interviews, reviews and opinion pieces.
The magazine wants to create an inclusive creative environment and welcomes all student writers, poets, photographers and artists to submit their work. We want to interrupt the endless stream of news with a collection of articles that will allow readers to hear from young and unheard voices, giving a spotlight to affairs of cultural and social interest that you may not otherwise know about.
If you are interested in submitting artwork or an article for our next issue, please contact wayzgoosemagazine@gmail.com for more information.